Prayer service for Dominik Pettey, Gonzaga College High School student killed in weekend crash
Mourners encouraged to emulate faith and kindness of Gonzaga’s Dominik Pettey
Gonzaga Hockey Team honors Dominik
Gonzaga Hockey - Remembering Dominik Pettey (2014-2015)
194th Gonzaga
Class Tribute
Tragic Death Makes
an Apostle of Mercy
God has a big plan
Gonzaga College High School team honors Dominik Pettey in annual Purple and White game
I knew God was reaching out to me
Five years after his death, Dominik Pettey’s ‘mission’ unfolds in people’s acts of faith, love and mercy
Living Divine Mercy TV Show
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
​(Pettey story at 13:50)
Dominik Pettey Annual Scholarship fund
Live like Dom Video​​
(Note: Video begins with black screen & voice-over)